Maxwell, James (1768-1777)
Maxwell, James
Dublin, Ireland; upholder, cabinet maker and auctioneer (fl. 1768-1777)
Apprenticed to Peter Butterton, 1768-76 and made Freeman of the City of Dublin as an Upholder by Service, Midsummer 1776.
Recorded at College Green 1774-77.
His marriage was announced in the Public Register or Freeman’s Journal, 27-29 December 1774: ‘James Maxwell of College-green, Upholsterer, to Miss Mary Hempsworth, of Queen-street’.
The Hibernian Journal for 13-16 May 1774 published the following announcement. ‘James Maxwell, Upholder, Cabinet-maker and auctioneer, takes this method of acquainting the public in general, and his friends in particular, that he has commenced business in College-green within two doors of the Parliament-street, where he intends carrying on the upholsters and Cabinet-maker's business, in all its branches, and as he has several years experience in London, at Messrs France, Chippendale and Linnell's, which are acknowledged to be some of the most capitol in that metropolis, he hopes that will be a means of recommending him to the public. And as he is a new beginner is determined to deal on the most reasonable terms and will make it his particular study to give satisfaction to those who will be pleased to honour him with their commands, which he will strictly adhere to. N.B. To be let a commodious first floor with a kitchen and other conveniences furnished or unfurnished’.
Source: Glin & Peill, Irish Furniture (2007), pp. 131 & 277.