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Martin, H. (1877-1886)

Martin, James & H.

Birmingham; chair & couch manufacturer, cabinet maker, carver and gilder (fl.1877-86)

James Martin was listed at Balsall Street, Birmingham in The Furniture Gazette Directory, 1877, and in October of that year he started improvements to the premises [The Furniture Gazette, 13 October 1877]. 

The Furniture Gazette recorded two bills of sale (i.e., securities) in connection with James Martin, a cabinet maker of 35 Bromsgrove Street, to the National Mercantile Bank; the first for £27 was filed on 9 July 1879 [26 July 1879] and the second for £41 15s filed on 21 December 1880 [8 January 1881].    

H. Martin, of the same Bromsgrove Street address, was listed in The Furniture Gazette: Classified List of the Furniture, Upholstery, and Allied Trades (1886).