Marco, Charles & Co. (1887-1905)
Marco, Charles & Co.
London; ornamental pedestal makers and bamboo furniture manufacturers (fl.1887-1905)
Trading at 6 Manchester Avenue, Aldersgate Street as ornamental pedestals maker. These were made by jointing together four sections to make a circle, which was then French polished rather than varnished as were examples by other makers. Usually made of Hungarian ash, otherwise of mahogany, oak, walnut, rosewood or imitation walnut. The firm also stocked bronzes, terracotta figures and other ornaments for display on the pedestals [The Furniture Gazette, 1 December 1887].
In 1905 Charles Marco & Co. were listed as bamboo furniture makers at 6 New Zealand Avenue, Barbican.
Source: Walkling, Antique Bamboo Furniture (1979).