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Lucraft, B. (1876-1886)

Lucraft, B.

50 Grange Street, St John’s Road, Hoxton, London; chair & couch manufacturer, cabinet maker (fl.1876-86)

Lucraft was listed in The Furniture Gazette Directory, 1876 & 1877. In 1867 Benjamin Lucraft, chair maker, was one of the London craftsmen sent by the Government to the Paris Exhibition to report on the craftsmanship on display and also made visits to local workshops, the Hotel de Ville and Versailles. [].

In November 1882 he put his name forward for re-election as a member of the Local Board School for Finsbury [The Furniture Gazette, 18 November 1882]. In this position Lucraft spoke to the City Livery Companies Commission on the works of Livery Guilds. He advocated the use of Guild's funds for technical education and practical instruction hand in hand, and also that funds should not be given to members who had no real connection with the trades [The Furniture Gazette, 5 July 1884]. 

He was listed in Furniture Gazette: Classified List of the Furniture, Upholstery, and Allied Trades (1886).

Possibly related to George Lucraft, recorded in the 1871 Post Office Directory as a chair and sofa maker at 161 Kingsland Road, London.