Lucas, F. (1871-1890)
Lucas, F.
London; carver, cabinet maker (fl.1871-1890)
At the 1889 Arts & Crafts Exhibition Society, London, C. Hindley and Sons exhibited pine-panelling and chimney-piece with over-hanging canopy and seats, fitted with grate, tiles, etc. (cat. no. 180), designed by J.A. Stenhouse, with carving by F. Lucas. Cabinet -work was executed by G.R. Mackenzie and D. MacLennan.
He was possibly the Francis Lucas recorded in the 1871 Post Office Directory at 20 St. John Street Road as a fancy cabinet maker.
Sources: Microulis, ‘Charles Hindley & Sons, London House Furnishers of the Nineteenth Century: A Paradigm of the Middle-Range Market’, Studies in the Decorative Arts (Spring/Summer 1998); Arts & Crafts Exhibition catalogues, 1888-1916.