Lewis, Henry (1830-1844)
Lewis, Henry
Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales; cabinet maker (fl.1830-44)
Established a business at Old Bridge, Haverfordwest c. 1830, when listed as cabinet maker, upholsterer and undertaker in Pigot's South Wales Directory. The same Directory of 1844 listed Henry Lewis as cabinet maker, upholsterer, carpenter, builder and coach builder. As well as furniture making he claimed to perform auctioneering, paper hanging, housebuilding and coachbuilding, ‘having engaged a superior workman from England’. Daniel Lewis of Cardigan and Cardiff is said to have been his brother; William Lewis of Haverfordwest may also have been related.
A mahogany chiffonier has been recorded inscribed by James Davies and made at the workshop of ‘Lewis’s, Haverfordwest’ (illus. Bebb (2007), fig. 1251.
Source: Bebb, Welsh Furniture (2007), II, pp.232 & 320.