Lemaistre, Peter (1752-1771)
Lemaistre, Peter
Dublin, Ireland: cabinet maker, joiner and timber merchant (fl.1752-71)
Son of William Lemaistre.
Made Freeman of the City of Dublin as a Joiner by Birth, Michaelmas 1752. He was elected Warden of the Carpenters’ Guild from 1763 to 1764.
Recorded in George’s Lane (or 2 Great George’s Street) next door to the sign of the French Arms, near Stephen’s Street, 1753-71.
Faulkner’s Dublin Journal, 28-31 July 1753: ‘… last Saturday night was married Mr. Peter Lemaistre, an eminent Cabinet-maker in George’s-lane, to Miss Tounge Niece to Mr. Tounge of the High-street, an agreeable young lady, with a person and fortune that must make the married state happy’.
Universal Advertiser, 21 January 1755: ‘Peter Lemaistre, Cabinet-maker and Joiner in George's-lane next door to the sign of the French Arms, near Stephen's-street, intending to quit that business, will sell at first cost, all his stock in trade, consisting of a variety of mahogany goods, made in the newest fashion and neatest manner, he has likewise a parcel of goods dry mahogany boards to dispose of, and will also sell the interest of his lease and house, which is very commodious for a shop keeper, or one in the same business’.
Source: Glin & Peill, Irish Furniture (2007), p. 285.