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Lambert, Andrew (1784-1791)

Lambert, Andrew

Dublin, Ireland; looking glass seller, carver and gilder (fl.1784-91)

Recorded at 11 Suffolk Street, 1784-91.

Dublin Morning Post, 9 October 1784: ‘Lambert, Carver, Gilder and Looking Glass seller. Returns his sincere thanks to the nobility, gentry, his friends and the public, for the greatest encouragement he has experienced since his commencement in business, and begs leave to inform them, that he has opened shop at No 11 Suffolk-street, near Grafton-street, where he had, as usual, the greatest variety of the most elegant carved and gilt work of all denominations ready for inspection and assures them, that punctuality which has gained him their esteem shall be strictly adhered to. N.B. Old work cleaned and repaired with the greatest dispatch, pictures framed and all manner of carving done on the most reasonable terms’.

Source: Glin & Peill, Irish Furniture (2007), p. 293.