Kelly, John junior (1765-1775)
Kelly, John junior
Dublin, Ireland; carver and gilder (fl.1765-75)
Son of John Kelly senior.
Recorded in Eustace Street, 1765; 5 College Green, 1768-75.
Exhibited at the Society of Artists 1765, 1768, 1769 and 1773.
His daughter Jane married John Edmundson, cabinet maker, in September 1768. Exhibited carved bas-reliefs at the Dublin Society of Artists, 1765, 1768, 1769 and 1773.
John Kelly succeeded to his father’s business after the latter’s death in 1764. He executed the interior carving at 20 Lower Dominick Street, for which receipts survive dated between December 1766 and October 1767. Other carved work by or attributed to Kelly is at 86 St Stephen’s Green, and Mornington House, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin, and he is also thought to have worked at Kenure park (illus. Glin & Peill (2007), figs 118-120).
He retired from business in 1775 when Saunders’s News-Letter and Daily Advertiser for 30 January-1 February published an advertisement for his business: ‘Selling at prime cost at Mr John Kelly’s, Carver and Gilder, at No. 5 College Green, near the Post Office, he is retiring from business on account of his health, a capital assortment of architect and French frames glasses highly polished in burnished gold, also oval and square ornamented pier glasses and chimney ditto, in the modern taste, girandoles and chandeliers with or without glass backs, with treble, double and single lights, finished in gold and whitened frames, sconce glasses in mahogany and walnut frames, ladies’ and gentlemen’s shaped and plain dressing glasses in swinging frames, with drawers under, and many other articles too tedious to mention. Also to be sold by private contract, said Kelly’s interest in his house, which may be viewed at any time. Further information may be had at the house, or at Robert Crow, Upholder, No. 12 Abbey-street.
The nobility, gentry etc, may be assured, that the above stock in trade was not made up with an intent for sale, but is of the best manufacture, and under the immediate attention of the said Kelly, whose confinement, near 12 month caused the execution of the different articles to be more fully adhered to by his constant inspection’.
Source: Glin & Peill, Irish Furniture (2007), pp. 90-92 & 293.