Kaye, John (1804-1834)
Kaye, John
Manchester, Lancashire; cabinet maker, upholsterer and carpet, paper and feather warehouseman (fl. 1804–34)
John Kaye's billhead dated 8 May 1811 [MS 2241/3/1/2/359]. ©Leeds University Library.
In 1804 he was at 72 Market Street; from 1814–18 the number was 74. He remained at this address until c. 1825. In this year he is shown with a house at Green Heys, Charlton Row.
In 1825 he supplied to Lord Leicester (later Lord de Tabley), at Tabley Hall, Knutsford, Cheshire, a Brussels carpet at a cost of £34 5s.
By 1828 he had moved to38 Fountain Street, where the number was 86, but had changed to 38 by 1834. About 1825 he moved to 38 Fountain Street where he stayed until at least 1829. He was also recorded at no 16 in 1832–33 as a cabinet maker [Chester Record Office, Tabley Hall vouchers].
See William Kaye.
Source: DEFM