Jones, Aaron (1757-84)
Jones, Aaron, Bristol, carver and gilder (1757–84). At Tower Lane (or Tower Hill) until 1774 when he moved to 10 Clare St. In 1757 he provided a wooden chandelier to the Moravian Chapel in Bristol. In 1758 took app. named Horner. In February 1772 he advertised that he had in his warehouse ‘a large Stock of LOOKING-GLASSES and GERONDOLES, in carv'd and burnish'd Gold Frames’ which he offered for sale both retail and wholesale. He listed ten sizes of square plates that he had available ranging from 12ʺ x 20ʺ up to 28ʺ x 41ʺ. He also offered most sizes in mahogany frames, parcel gilt. He claimed to be the manufacturer of these items and offered to re-polish and re-silver old plates. In 1774 he described himself as a glass grinder. As he was a manufacturer he was anxious to sell to retailers and merchants and ship's captains for export. He particularly featured his range of ‘Swinging and small Dressing-glasses’ as suitable for trade and export purchase. In 1774 after his move to Clare St he described his stock as consisting of ‘a Large Assortment of Oval and Square Glasses, in Burnish Gold Frames, in the newest Taste; Toilet Glasses, in Japan and Burnish Gold; Gerondoles, with double or single Branches; Mahogany Sconces, plain and ornamented; Dressing Glasses of all Sizes’. [D; S of G, app. index; Bristol Journal, 29 February 1772, 27 February 1773, 20 August 1774; B. Little, City and County of Bristol, 1954, p. 221]