Hunter, John (1788-1796)
Hunter, John
Lincoln, Lincolnshire; carver, gilder and frame maker (1788–96)
Recorded in Lord Monson's accounts on 2 June 1788 for receiving £2 7s for two gold picture frames; on 1 June 1789, £4 8s; and between 10 May 1795 and 25 January 1796, a total of £31 3s 5d for picture frames, including on 10 May one of ‘Burnished Gold, 10 feet at 2/6d the foot’; and on 8 January 1796, ‘Enamelled Glass and Letters, at £1 2s. [Lincoln Record Office, Monson 10/1/A/6; 11/50].
Sent a bill to Sir John Nelthorpe in April 1790 totalling £1 19s 6d for ‘Framing Drawing in Burnish Gold Containing 8 ft. of Moulding at 2s 6d per foot’, glazing and mounting [Lincoln Record Office, NEL 9/12/29].
Source: DEFM