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Harris, John (1817-21)

Harris, John, 40 Crawford St, London, upholder and undertaker (1817–21). Presumably the u of 40 Crawford St whose lease and stock were sold on 17 July 1821 by Edward Foster of 14 Greek St. The catalogue ‘of the fashionable & WellManufactured stock of Upholstery & Cabinet Work’ included four-post bedsteads and ‘Chintz Furnitures’, French canopy bedsteads and bedding; rosewood and mahogany chests of drawers, loo, card and sofa tables; drawing room and library chairs, Grecian couches and sofas, carpets and ‘Satin Hair Cloth’. [D; V&A archives]

The original entry from Dictionary of English Furniture Makers, 1660-1840 can be found at British History Online.