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Harper, A. & J.; Harper, A. & Co. (1877-1886)

Harper, A. & J.; Harper, A. & Co.

Glasgow, Scotland; cabinet makers (fl.1877-1886)

The partnership of A. & J. Harper of Henrietta Street, Glasgow was dissolved in 1877 with James Harper continuing the business [The Furniture Gazette, 16 June 1877]. The partnership Harper & Co. at Gallowgate & Sword Street was subsequently established and dissolved in 1885, with the business continued by Crichton & Mooney [The Furniture Gazette, 1 June 1885]. 

A. Harper & Co. was listed in The Furniture Gazette: Classified List of the Furniture, Upholstery, and Allied Trades (1886) but the publication was probably prepared prior to the dissolution of the partnership or perhaps the firm continued trading under the old name, under the new ownership.