Hand, Peter (1753-1765)
Hand, Peter
Dublin, Ireland: upholder and auctioneer (fl. 1753-65)
Recorded at Back-lane, near Nicholas Street, 1753; Phoenix Street, 1753-65.
The Universal Advertiser for 14 July 1753 announced: ‘Peter Hand, Upholder and auctioneer, in Back-lane near Nicholas-street, will always ready furnish for sale the following goods viz, four post, settees, couches and field beds, feather beds and mattresses, mahogany, walnut tree, oak and rush chairs, mahogany furniture that is bespoke with the greatest exactness and expedition he will also sell goods by auction, with a great deal of care either in the city or country. - N.B. As he is a new beginner, he will sell at a small profit for ready money’.
Source: Glin & Peill, Irish Furniture (2007), p. 275.