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Hall(s)pike, Christopher (1780-1827)

Hall(s)pike, Christopher

London; cabinet maker and upholder (fl.c.1780–1827)

Trading at 13 Wilderness Row, Goswell St, 1807–08; 10 Little Queen St, Holborn in 1822; and 25 St John Sq., 1826–27. Took out Sun Insurance policies on 5 November 1807 for £300; and on 12 March 1822 for £300, of which £30 accounted for a chest of tools at Seddons in Aldersgate St. Mahogany sideboard, said to have been made for John Barrow, c.1780, bears manuscript label inside drawer inscribed: ‘Chris Hallpike No 862’ (illus. Gilbert (1996), figs 465-466). [GL, Sun MS vol. 441, ref. 809717; vol. 490, ref. 989822; Conn., LXVIII (1924), p. 35].

Source: DEFM; Gilbert, Pictorial Dictionary of Marked London Furniture 1700-1840 (1996).

The original entry from Dictionary of English Furniture Makers, 1660-1840 can be found at British History Online.