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Griffiths, I (1863-1864)

Griffiths, I

Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, Wales; furniture maker or retailer (fl. 1863-4)

In 1863 I Griffiths of 2 Station Road, Llanelli advertised as follows: ‘[he] wishes to call the attention of all parties visiting Llanelly to the advantages of purchasing Furniture, Ironmongery etc, at his Establishment, being within 3 minutes walk of the South Wales and Vale of Towy Railway Stations’. Shortly after he moved to the next door premises and in 1864 advertised ‘Very Low Prices… Carriage Paid on all Orders value £10 and upwards’. It is not clear whether this man was a furniture maker or just a retailer.

Source: Bebb, Welsh Furniture (2007), II, p. 334.