Griffith, John (1888-1904)
Griffith, John
Llanbedr, Merioneth, Wales; joiner (fl.c.1888-1904)
John Griffith was an employee of John Thomas and William Parry of Llanbedr. He sometimes worked on furniture with either Thomas or Parry and sometimes independently. Griffith’s name occurs frequently in Thomas’s notebooks during the 1880s, 1890s and early 1900s. In October 1888 he and Thomas made ‘a glass cupboard for John Williams Tanybryn’ which took 15 days’ work in total. A similar cupboard, known as a ‘cwpwrdd qwydr’, has been recorded which bears John Griffiths’ signature and the date 1904 (illus. Bebb (2007), fig. 1226).
Source: Bebb, Welsh Furniture (2007), II, pp. 299, 302.