Green, Charles (1876-1886)
Green, Charles
Sheffield, Yorkshire; cabinet makers (fl.1876-1886)
In 1876 his address was listed as 2 Bank Street, Sheffield and from thereon at 5 Howard Street.
Green was the maker of an ebony ‘Princess’ cabinet with reliefs in bronze exhibited at the 1878 Paris Exhibition The Furniture Gazette 5 January & 21 September 1878]. Detail of the carving from his ‘Cabinet of the Seasons’ was also exhibited in Paris [The Furniture Gazette, 26 April 1879]. He received two bronze medals at this Exhibition.
Green received a commission from J. Y. Cowlishaw of Tapton Cliffe, to supply a pulpit to the church at Ranmoor [The Furniture Gazette, 3 May 1879]. He made a mantelpiece in ebony and bronze (possibly the same one) and a bronze cabinet which he displayed at the Building Exhibition, Agricultural Hall, 1880 [The Furniture Gazette, 7 February, 17 & 24 April 1880]. He also made an ‘art mantelpiece’ for William Crookes’ house in Kensington Gardens [The Furniture Gazette, 21 August 1880].
Recorded in the Furniture Gazette: Classified List of the Furniture, Upholstery and Allied Trades (1886) as Art Furniture Manufacturers and Merchants at 5 Howard Street, Sheffield.
Source: Meyer, Great Exhibitions. London, New York, Paris, Philadelphia. 1851-1900 (2006), p. 244.