Glickstein & Co. Ltd (1891-1910)
Glickstein & Co. Ltd
Great Eastern Street, London; wholesale furniture makers, timber merchant (fl.1891-1910)
The firm was established in 1905, combining the businesses of S. Glickstein and I. Glickstein to trade as Glickstein & Co., cabinet makers and timber-merchants. The firm became one of the largest British importers of hardwood and plywood under the name of S. Glickstein with the later generations of the founding family becoming well known as directors of Millwall football club. Glickstein employed 100 workers and they were suppliers of three different ranges of bedroom suites to Heal’s about 1910.
Source: Agius, British Furniture 1880-1915 (1978); Massil, Immigrant Furniture Workers in London 1881-1939 (1997); Heal, Sir Ambrose Heal and the Heal Cabinet Factory 1897-1939 (2014).