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Gillington, George jnr (1815-1838)

Gillington, George jnr

Dublin, Ireland; upholsterer, cabinet maker, auctioneer & valuator (fl. 1815-38)

The son of Samuel Gillington (d.1823). Listed 1815-20 at 180 Abbey Street, together with his brother Samuel jnr. Then recorded at 119 Abbey Street, 1820-23. Later recorded at College Green until 1838. 

George Gillington's Upholstery Ware Rooms Upholsterer Cabinet maker  Auctioneer & Valuator Abbey Street, Dublin. Funerals Conducted  to any part of the Kigdom. Many mistakes having occurred, by a name much resembling his, Gillington begs it to be observed that his house is in the Narrow Part of Abbey Street [Irish Craftsmen, V&A: Department of Furniture, Textiles & Fashion].

Sources: Glin, ‘Dublin Directories and Trade Labels’, Furniture History (1985); Glin & Peill, Irish Furniture (2007), p. 275