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Fearnley, John (1757-63)

Fearnley, John, ‘The Golden Head’, Flesh Mkt, Newcastle, carver and gilder (1757–63). Advertised in Newcastle Journal, 11–18 June 1757 that he was from London, and made ‘chimney-pieces in marble, wood and stone; frames for pictures, looking-glasses and marble slabs; chandeliers, girandoles, brackets &c. Likewise party-gilds ceilings, chimney-pieces, cornishes, windows, doors etc. and cleans, repairs and varnishes or new gilds old frames. Upholsters, cabinet-makers, joiners &c. may be furnished, with mouldings and ornaments in burnish gold, for walnut tree frames &c. The above work will be executed in the neatest & most approv'd taste, and gilt in oil or burnish gold to the utmost perfection on the most reasonable terms.’ A similar advertisement of 30 July 1763 mentions that he also carved tombs and monuments, and ‘has to dispose of a very good sign of the Queen's Head, with a bunch of grapes.’

The original entry from Dictionary of English Furniture Makers, 1660-1840 can be found at British History Online.