Elvey, Elizabeth (1806-1824)
Elvey, Elizabeth
9 New Bond Street, London; pocket book, dressing case and desk maker to the Royal Family, the King of Prussia and his Serene Highness the hereditary Prince of Orange (fl. 1806–24)
Her trade card is in the Johnson Collection., Bodleian Library and states that Elvey was a maker by appointment to the Royal Family, the King of Prussia and his Serene Highness the hereditary Prince of Orange. A directory of 1808 adds HRH the Duke of Sussex to her patrons.
J. and E. Elvey supplied items for Hatfield House, Hertfordshire in 1806: J. Elvey, two pocket books on 25 July; and E. Elvey, a mahogany writing desk costing £6 6s 6d, receipt dated 4 August 1806 [Hatfield House MS, bills 618].
Elizabeth submitted bills to Lord Crewe of Crewe Hall, Cheshire, dated 24 March 1820 and April 1821, for repairing furniture, supplying large leather portfolios, and a dressing case with bottles; bills totalled £13 2s.
A billhead dated 17 August 1831 states that Mrs Elvey was succeeded by her nephew, George Lawrence [Chester Record Office, Crewe papers, DCR/47/box 5; Suffolk Record Office (Bury), 941/ 73/16; Furniture History, 1974, pl. 43].
A desk inkstand in ebony and brass, c.1810-15, is illustrated in Gilbert (1996), figs 320 and 321.
Source: DEFM; Gilbert, Pictorial Dictionary of Marked London Furniture 1700-1840 (1996).