Ellis, Richard (1658-1662)
Ellis, Richard
Shrewsbury, Shropshire; joiner (fl.1658-62)
Son of a joiner in Wem and probably apprenticed to him. He was made a burgess of Shrewsbury in 1661.
Ellis began work on the refurbishment of the Drapers’ Hall, Shrewsbury in 1658. He began with panelling, then in 1660 made ‘a fayre Table or frame’ for a painting of Edward IV. In 1662 ‘Mr Richard Ellice’ supplied a six-legged ‘drawing table and frame’ which extended from 9 to 17ft. It cost £3 10s. In the same year a wainscot chair for the Master and nine bedsteads for the almshouses were supplied at a cost of £ 14s. The picture frame, the chair and the table survive at the Drapers’ Hall and are illustrated in Bebb (2007), I, figs. 34, 526 & 527 & Chinnery (1979), figs. 2.8, 2.8a, 2.9, 2.10 & 2.11.
Sources: Chinnery, Oak Furniture (1979); Bebb, Welsh Furniture (2007), I, pp. 308-9.