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Douglas, John (1761–69)

Douglas (or Dugler), John

Leicester; cabinet maker and joiner (fl.1761–69)

The John Dugler app. to Joseph Johnson, cm and joiner of Leicester, from 10 October 1761 is perhaps the John Douglas, admitted freeman on 17 June 1790. Mahogany bureau recorded bearing the words ‘John Douglas, Leicester, January 17th 1769’ written in pencil on the bottom (illus. Furn. Hist., 1976, pl. 36A; Regional Furniture 1993, p. 25.

Source: DEFM; Jones, ‘An Anthology of Regional Furniture with Maker's Identification’, Regional Furniture (1993).

The original entry from Dictionary of English Furniture Makers, 1660-1840 can be found at British History Online.