Dodds, William (1790-1808)
Dodds, William, London, carver, gilder and glass grinder (1790–1808). Trading at 51 St Martin's Lane, 1790–93, and 72 Oxford St, 1799–1808. [D] Worked for Sir John Nelthorpe, Bart, from 30 June 1792–6 July 1795, receiving a total of £22 5s 6d, for supplying and repairing frames ‘in burnish'd gold’, including on 11 July 1794 ‘1 Frame 4 in. moulding 6ft. 8 at 4s 6d. with black insides and gilt on burnished gold’, £1 13s; and on 6 July 1795, ‘1 fluted frame in best burnish gold’, £5 5s. [Lincoln RO, NEL 9/14/35; 8/13/ 19; 9/16/9] In October 1792 he was paid £1 8s by Gertrude, Dowager Duchess of Bedford, for providing two lookingglasses, one in a black frame with gilt edges, costing 4s 6d, and the other in a frame of ‘burnish gold, £1 3s 6d. These were probably for her London house, 112 Pall Mall. [Bedford Office, London]