Dilliway, D. D. (1901-1911)
Dilliway, D. D.
Surrey; joiner, cabinet maker (fl.1901-11)
The 1901 and 1911 censuses recorded a David Daniel Dolloway, first in Farnham then Haslemere.
Dilliway's name is recorded as assisting Arthur Romney Green making an oak sideboard, price £22 10s, which was exhibited at the Arts & Crafts Exhibition, London, 1903 (cat. no. 362aa). He also made a china cupboard of inlaid English oak, price £17 10s, at the Arts & Crafts Exhibition, London, 1906 (cat no. 368).
Both pieces were exhibited by Arthur Romney Green and designed by W. Curtis Green, Arthur Romney's brother.
Sources:Arts & Crafts Exhibition catalogues, 1888-1916; Hyman, ‘Obscure Geometry: patterns of influence in the work of Arthur Romney Green’, The Decorative Arts Society 1850 to the Present’ (2017).