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Demay, Joseph (1806-1829)

Demay, Joseph

London; upholder, cabinet maker and decorative upholsterer (fl.1806-29)

Recorded as an upholder at 52 Broad Street, Golden Square, when he purchased two Sun Insurance policies. The first on 9 July 1806 for £800, with £600 on stock, utensils and goods in trust; the second on 5 July 1809 for £1,400. with £1,000 on stock, utensils and goods in trust [Guildhall Library, Sun MS vol. 437, ref. 792128; vol. 448, ref. 832629].

Probably the same Joseph Demay, described as cabinet maker & decorative upholsterer recorded in Duke Street trading at no. 6, 1810–20; and no. 10, 1821–29. He purchased a Sun Insurance policy on 21 November 1810 for £4,000, house, workshop and warehouse accounting for £200, stock and utensils, £400 [Guildhall Library, Sun MS vol. 453, ref. 850683].

Source: DEFM

The original entry from Dictionary of English Furniture Makers, 1660-1840 can be found at British History Online.