Delabrière, Louis A (1795-1816)
Delabrière, Louis A., Tenterden St, London, decorative furnisher (1795–1816). Employed by Henry Holland at Carlton House, his name appears in the Prince of Wales's Debt Book in July 1795, when he was established in Tenterden St. He may be the ‘Louis Andre Delabièse of Sherrard Street’, who worked at Carlton House, or the Louis Alexandre Delabrière who, before the Revolution, was ‘Architect à Mgr. le Comte d'Artois’, later Charles X; or perhaps a relation of this architect. He was responsible for the painted decoration of the ceilings and overmantel in the boudoir at Southill, Beds.; and the panels of a pair of rosewood parcel gilt pole screens in the house are stated in the inventory of 1816 to be ‘painted by Delabrière’. The decoration of a pair of ‘Round Seat Chairs with painted Tablet backs’ may also be assigned to him. [DEF; H. Clifford Smith, Buckingham Palace, p. 109; F. Watson, Southill, the Furniture and Decoration, p. 26]