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Deake, Richard (1778-1787)

Deake, Richard

London; upholder and dealer in musical instruments (fl.1778-87)

Recorded at 20 New Compton Street as upholder, when he took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1778 for £100 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £20 [Guildhall Library, Sun MS vol. 268, p. 455].  

On 12 March 1787 at 26 Broad Street, Carnaby Market, he insured his household goods and printed books for £100. At this date he was recorded as upholder and dealer in musical instruments [Guildhall Library, Sun MS vol. 342, ref. 528249].

Source: DEFM

The original entry from Dictionary of English Furniture Makers, 1660-1840 can be found at British History Online.