Day, Charles (1762-1805)
Day, Charles, Cambridge, cm, u, joiner and auctioneer (1762– d. 1805). The work undertaken by Charles Day covers a fairly wide field, from a payment made to him by the Cambridge Corporation in 1766 for making a ducking chair to erecting the new Cambridge Guildhall in 1782. He was noted as an eminent cm when in 1769 the Mayor made him his honorary freeman. Advertisements for auction sales in the Cambridge Chronicle between 1762–65 give his address as ‘near the Market Hill’. The newspaper for 14 August 1773 carried announcement that he was going to sell or let his premises ‘consisting of a large front shop, and a Parlour behind the same … A large Work shop, and Shed, 14 Feet high, under the same, a back Kitchen, and Yard. All the Premises have been new built within these seven years’. It goes on to say that he has taken ‘the House late the Tuns Tavern in Cambridge … for the better Convenience of carrying on the above business’. He is known to have taken three apps: Josiah Marshall from 25 June 1770 for a fee of £30, John Stamford Moore from 18 September 1770 for a fee of £20 and Sir John Swan who is recorded as already being an app. in 1769. The newspaper reported on 21 December 1805 that ‘died in his 77th year, Mr. Charles Day, senior common councilman of the Corporation of Cambridge, and late a surveyor of Taxes in this County’. Probably the Charles Day, u and cm of Cambridge who took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1778 for £900, £200 on utensils and stock, and £50 on workshop. [C. H. Cooper, Annals of Cambridge, 1852, p. 340; Cambs. RO, Corp. day bks and archives; poll bk; GL, Sun MS vol. 264, p. 113] R. W.