Davis, John (1788-1792)
Davis, John
Lancaster, Lancs.; cabinet maker (fl.1788-92)
An unruly apprentice from Dorset, he was apprenticed to Richard Gillow of Lancaster by Thomas Weld of Lulworth Castle, Dorset, from about January 1788. The clerk kept ‘an account of John Davis's time’, and the work he carried out is listed in the Gillow’s Petty Ledger for 1790-93. His patron Thomas Weld paid his board, clothes and other expenses. In February 1790 Gillows pointed out that he needed a chest of tools ‘…sooner the better’ and asked Weld to mention the matter to Robert Gillow when he was next in London. He gained a reputation for bad behaviour and ran up large bills for his clothes which Weld was obliged to pay. A note under ‘Apprentices’ in the Petty Ledger for 1790-91 reads: ‘Jno. Davis left R. Gillow's house 26 May 1792 & James Rigby came in the Thursday following Jno. Davis & James Rigby together 2 years 104’. James Rigby became a carver for the Lancaster firm.
Source: Stuart, Gillows of Lancaster and London 1730-1840 (2008), II, p.229.