Davies, James (1863-1875)
Davies, James
Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales; cabinet maker (fl.1863-c.1875)
James Davies was apprenticed aged 15 in 1863 to William James & Son of Quay Street, Haverfordwest, ‘to learn… the Art of Joiner and Cabinet Maker’. He was paid 1s per week in his second year, rising to 5s. in his final year. Having finished his apprenticeship he went to work in Liverpool where he found work as a foreman in a cabinet making shop. He was paid £1 per week. He later returned to Haverfordwest to work at Lewis’s furniture business, but was forced into early retirement because of illness caused by the inhalation of sawdust from exotic hardwoods. A chiffonier made by this maker while he worked at Lewis’s is illustrated in Bebb (2007), fig. 1251.
Source: Bebb, Welsh Furniture (2007), II, p. 320.