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Dagleish (Daglish), James (1871-1886)

Dagleish (Daglish), James

London; cabinet & looking glass manufacturer, gilder and upholsterer (fl.1871-1886)

Listed in the London Post Office Directory 1871 as looking glass maker at 21 Old Street Road. An advertisement for Daglish in The Furniture Gazette, 2 May 1874, recorded his address as 315 Old Street, working as a ‘Looking-glass and Cabinet Manufacturer, Gilder, Plate Glass Factor, and Silverer’. 

The Furniture Gazette, 3 April 1875, reported that with increasing business James Daglish moved to 148 Curtain Road, a building previously occupied by Barnett Cohen & Sons. The showrooms were reputedly spacious and convenient and the large stock included fancy furniture of all kinds; toilet, chimney and looking glasses, tables, bookcases and sideboards, and a frame room with all varieties of chair frames. 

The Furniture Gazette, 1 November 1879 & 4 June 1881, reported the liquidation of the business was filed on 18 October 1879 and subsequent payment of dividends.

Business resumed and Dagleish was again listed as a cabinet maker and looking glass manufacturer in The Furniture Gazette: Classified List of the Furniture, Upholstery, and Allied Trades (1886).

Source: Symonds and Whineray, Victorian Furniture (1962).