Crisp, William (1814-1837)
Crisp, William
London; portable desk maker, dressing case maker, silversmith and cutler (1814–37)
At 39 Cockspur Street in 1814 but by 1820 the number had changed to 34. From 1829 the address of 49 New Bond Street is used in directories. An invoice of June 1831, however, records both addresses and indicates that writing cases, ink stands and work boxes were also items he could supply. The business was also that of a silversmith and cutler. The invoice referred to concerned the repair of a Russian leather dressing pouch for Sir John Packington, later 1st Lord Hampton of Westwood Park near Droitwich, Worcs. [Worcestershire Record Office, 2309/705: 380/18 (i)].
Source: DEFM