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Court, William & Charles (1791-1812)

Court, William & Charles, Under the Bank and Host St, Bristol, cm (1791–1812). Sons of John Court whose business they continued. Subscribed to Sheraton's Drawing Book, 1793. On 21 May 1791 supplied a white and gold communion table with a mahogany top to Christchurch, Bristol, for which £21 was charged. In 1791–92 they supplied furniture for John Pinney for his house at 7 Gt George St, Bristol (now the Georgian House Museum) for which £360 was charged. Pinney paid a further sum of £7 8s for a ‘Mahy bason’ in 1795. After 1812 the business was continued by Charles Court alone. [D; Furn. Hist., 1976]

The original entry from Dictionary of English Furniture Makers, 1660-1840 can be found at British History Online.