Corless, Roger (1784-1818)
Corless, Roger, Dale St, Liverpool, cm (1784–d. c. 1818). App. to Roger Reid and free by servitude, 1 April 1784. Father of Roger Corless, born 15 September 1791 and free as cm in 1812; and Samuel Corless, born 3 January 1802 and free as clockmaker, 1823. At 115 Dale St in 1804 but in the next year at 125. At 122 Dale St in 1800, 115 in 1804, 125 in 1805, 132 in 1807, 3 Wykes Ct, Dale St in 1810 and 5 Wykes Ct in 1811. Died c. 1818. [D; freemen's committee bks]