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Claridge, Robert (1790-1817)

Claridge, Robert, London, u, cm and undertaker (1790–1817). At Orchard St, Portman Sq., 1790–93 but by 1795 was at 185 Oxford St. This latter address continued to be used until 1815 when the firm moved to 2 Upper Montague St, Montague Sq. Included in Sheraton's list of London master cabinet makers, 1803. In June 1795 the 1st Earl of Harewood paid a small invoice amounting to £2 5s no doubt concerned with goods supplied to, or for work undertaken at, Harewood House, Hanover Sq., London. [D; Heal; Leeds archives dept, Harewood MS 212]

The original entry from Dictionary of English Furniture Makers, 1660-1840 can be found at British History Online.