Charpentier, Benjamin (1775-1825)
Charpentier, Benjamin
London; carver, gilder and picture frame maker (1775–1825)
In 1775 at 430 Oxford Street and from 1778–87 at 24 Cumberland Street, Tottenham Court Road. After 1808 at 11 Great Titchfield Street.
In 1775 the house in Oxford Street was insured for £200 and in 1778 a total insurance cover of £300 was taken out on the Cumberland Street address, which included £200 on the utensils, stock and goods. The cover was the same in 1787 but by 1808 had increased to £500 which included £300 for household goods in the dwelling house, £100 for the workshop behind and £100 for utensils and goods in trust [The London Archives (TLA), Sun MS vol. 243, p. 531; vol. 266, p. 613; vol. 342, ref. 527551; vol. 445, ref. 823745].

Trade card of Charpentier, PICTURE-FRAME MAKER &c. No 24 Cumberland Street, Middlesex Hospital, 1783 [D,2.1325]. © The Trustees of the British Museum
He appears to have developed an extensive and widespread patronage. In 1794 a frame was supplied to Alexander Wedderburn at a cost of £6 10s and in 1816 an account was rendered to Adam Cottam of Whalley, Lancashire. through James Northcote, the artist, for a frame for the painting ‘Christ in the Garden’ for Whalley Church at a cost of £8 10s and £5 10s for the packing case [Scottish Record Office, GD 164/Box 20/AA/2–3; Preston RO, DDX 3361, 31].
Source: DEFM