Chandler, Thomas (1788-1845)
Chandler, Thomas, Cambridge, cm, joiner, broker and turner (1788–1845). On 31 March 1788 he was bound app. to Edward and Thomas Yorke of Cambridge, cm and joiners, for a fee of 10s. He claimed his freedom of the Corporation of Cambridge through his apprenticeship on 29 September 1798. In June 1806 he is listed as one of the Bailiffs of the Corporation and in September of the same year a Common Councillor. Poll bks list him at various addresses: in 1818, Sparrow Lane; in 1832 Hobson St; in 1834, Willow Pl.; and from 1837–40, Fitzroy St. Accounts submitted by him to the Corporation survive for the years 1820–24, and are mostly for general joinery work although the repair of furniture is mentioned. He appears to have worked with his son John, as both are named in the apprenticeship of Thomas Legge. Many of the poll bks also list them at the same addresses. His apps were William Swan from 15 May 1810 for a fee of £20, Thomas Legge jnr from 4 February 1822 for a fee of £20 and Joseph Rutherford from 3 January 1831 for an undisclosed fee. By 1822 his son John Chandler was active in the business. [Cambs. RO, Cambridge Corp. day bks and app. lists] See Chandler & Hazelwood. R. W.