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Carter & Son (1809-17)

Carter & Son, High St, Exeter, Devon, u and cm ((1809–17). In July 1807 advertised for good workmen as journeymen cm. By 1816 a decision had been taken to dispose of the business and they advertised in July that they were willing to offer possession of the shop and manufactory at Christmas. This may not have produced a satisfactory response immediately but in April of the following year they organised an auction sale of household furniture ‘mostly brought from the country for the convenience of sale’ and announced at the same time that the premises had been let to Messrs Holman & Shufflebotham. The relationship of this business with the Elias Carter who traded from 25 High St from 1819 but was resident in Exeter as early as 1803 is unclear. [D; Exeter Flying Post, 20 July 1809, 3 April 1817; Western Luminary, 9 September 1816]

The original entry from Dictionary of English Furniture Makers, 1660-1840 can be found at British History Online.