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Buscall & Co. (1876-1886)

Buscall, J.B.; Buscall & Co.

Bristol; art furniture manufacturer, wholesale chair and couch manufacturer, cabinet maker, upholsterer (fl.1876-86)

J. B. Buscall was listed in The Furniture Gazette Directory (1876 & 1877) at Ashley Vale, Ashley Road. 

The Furniture Gazette (18 June 1881) recorded a bill of sale (i.e., security) for £480 to M. Lockyer, filed on 30 May 1881.  At this date his address was recorded as 2 Pembroke Street, St Paul’s, Bristol and his trade as wholesale chair manufacturer & cabinet maker. 

On 18 June 1881 an adjudication for his bankruptcy was held.  Buscall was listed at 2 Pembroke Street & 9 Portland Square, Bristol, and his trades were upholsterer & furniture manufacturer.  A creditors’ meeting was held and it was agreed that that the stock - valued at not more than £480 - should be sold on 22 & 23 June 1881. The receiver stated that the bill of sale holder, M. Lockyer, should oversee affairs until the appointment of a receiver. There followed a payment of a first and final dividend of 2s in August 1882 [The Furniture Gazette, 2 July 1881 & 5 August 1882].

J. B. Buscall or a relative was probably related to Buscall & Co., listed in The Furniture Gazette: Classified List of the Furniture, Upholstery, and Allied Trades (1886) as art furniture manufacturers and chair & couch manufacturers at Pembroke Street, St Paul’s Road.