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Burnett, Thomas (1744-74)

Burnett, Thomas, Strand, London, u and cm (1744–74). Recorded at ‘The King's Arms, against the New Church in the Strand’, 1747–66, and no. 61 Strand, 1760–74. [D] In partnership with Gilbert Burnett, 1747–74. Named as a Fellow of the Society for Arts and Manufactures, 1761–68. Marriage to Miss Jenny Parker, with a fortune of £10,000 reported, Read's Weekly Journal, 11 May 1751. Probably the Mr Burnett, upholder in the Strand, who advertised an auction sale, Daily Advertiser, 21 February 1744, of furniture and stock of a goldsmith at ‘The Golden Acorn’, over against the New Church in the Strand. Advertised in General Advertiser, 18 December 1750; and London Evening Post, 21–23 February 1749 regarding the let of a house. Two long bills survive for work done for Peter Du Cane of Braxted Park, Essex, for his London house in St James's Sq., 1748–49. Furniture supplied included ‘Five beech 4 post bedsteads on Castors’, £6 17s 6d; ‘a wainscot Toylett table’, 17s; ‘2 large handsome carv'd drapery Window Cornishes’, £4 4s; ‘two French Elbow chairs, quilted in Linnen on Casters and check cases’, £4 4s; ‘two Mohog. Soffoy frames Carv'd after the Chinese Manners stufft and Quilted in Linnen on Castors’, £12; ‘9 Mahogany Elbow Chairs’; £25 17s 6d; ‘a walnuttree closestool stufft and covered with black leather’, £1 12s 6d; and ‘an Ovall Glass in a carvd and painted frame’, £1 15s. Almost all the seat furniture was provided with red check case covers. Further bills for work done, 1750–51 and 1756, total £413. [Essex RO, D/Dc A80, A13, folio 59] Named in the Holkham Hall accounts in 1755 receiving £7 16s 6d for a ‘chair quilted & covered with green stuff’, backgammon tables and dice, counters, and a Cyprus chest. [V & A archives] Between 1764–66 he supplied furniture to Lord Leigh for Stoneleigh Abbey, Warks., receiving £3,536. [Hussey, English Country Houses: Early Georgian, p. 40; Conn., 1947, vol. 119, p. 19; Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Leigh receipts, DR 18/5] His association with Gilbert Burnett, to whom he was app. from 1753, spanned the years 1747–74. Together they advertised in Daily Advertiser, 5 September 1747, and 3 March 1749, and their names occur in directories from 1760–74. They are described as upholstery, cabinet and carpet warehousemen, undertakers, appraisers and marquee makers. Sir John Griffin Griffin of Audley End, Essex, bought two mahogany writing tables from them in 1766, costing £7 7s. In 1768–69 they carried out miscellaneous upholstery work and furniture repairs charging a total of £11 11s 5d. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A24/11; A27/2] They may have been responsible for a commode with drawers, shaped front and straight sides which has been recorded. [V & A archives] See Gilbert Burnett, and Chillingworth & Burnett.

The original entry from Dictionary of English Furniture Makers, 1660-1840 can be found at British History Online.