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Buckley & Co; Buckley & Thomson (1880-1893)

Buckley & Co; Buckley & Thomson

Esher Street, Westminster, London; ecclesiastical & domestic furnishers (fl.1880-93)

In 1880 M. J. C. Buckley and his partner, A. S. Thomson, of Buckley & Co. acquired Cox & Co., the ecclesiastical and domestic furnishers. The new name of Cox, Sons, Buckley & Co. was used for the furnishing side of the business from this date. In 1884 Buckley & Thomson opened workshops in Esher Street, Westminster and there followed other branches in New York, Youghal, Co. Cork, and Edinburgh. By the end of 1893 the firm was in receivership and was later bought by Curtis Ward & Hughes. It continued trading from addresses in Tavistock Street and Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, until about 1935. In 1895 it was announced that C. Mellier & Co. had opened a new department specialising in ecclesiastical art under the direction of M. J. Buckley [The Tablet, Jan-March 1895]. Within a couple of years Buckley had returned to Ireland.

Source: Bettley, ‘An earnest desire to promote a right taste in ecclesiastical design: Cox and Sons and the rise and fall of the church furnishings companies’, The Decorative Art Society 1850 to the Present (2002).