Brettel(l), William Guidott (1777–95)
Brettel(l), William Guidott
122 High Holborn, London; upholder and cabinet maker (fl.1777–95)
Recorded alone and in partnership with Nathan Brettel(l). On 23 June 1774 Brettel was paid £73 4s for ‘Three pair of Copper Sashes made to order’ for Croome Court. Took out Sun Insurance policies alone in 1777 for £1,000, £700 on utensils and stock; in 1781 for £400 on his house; in 1782 for £400 on his workshop; and on 5 October 1793 for £300.
Source: DEFM; Beard, ‘Decorators and Furniture Makers at Croome Court’, Furniture History (1993).