Bowman Brothers (1871-1915)
Bowman Brothers
Camden Town, London; furniture makers, upholsterers, house furnishers (fl.1871-1915)
1871 Kelly’s Post Office Directory recorded Thomas Bowman at 108, 124 & 126 Camden High Street, as upholsterers and cabinet makers.

The Graham Gadd Archive (NMS) includes two documents relating to Bowman Brothers. A billhead (above) dated 1903, describes the firm as complete house furnishers and drapers in High Street, Camden Town, with warehousing rooms and factories at Greenland Street and Bayham Street, London NW. Also included in the Archive is a letter (above) dated 1910 from Thomas Bowman, to a firm of solicitors in Penrith, regarding a legacy left to his father. This letterhead does not give an address for factories.
Sources: Agius, British Furniture 1880-1915 (1978); Graham Gadd Archive (NMS).