Belcher, Thomas (1783)
Belcher, Thomas, 25 Gt Portland St, London, upholder and undertaker (1783). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1783 for £300 of which utensils and stock accounted for £213. [GL, Sun MS vol. 313, p. 403] Possibly the Thomas Belcher who supplied to Sir John Griffin Griffin of Audley End, Essex, for his London house in New Burlington St ‘a Small Mahogany hand stand for 14 nozels to carrey candels in to light up the Drawing Room’ and an ‘Oval Teatray with brass hoops & wood handels & repairs to furniture’, totalling £4 5s 6d, in 1783. [Essex RO, D/DBy/A41/6] Possibly the Belcher of: