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Beale (or Beall), George (1745-1749)

Beale (or Beall), George

London; carver (fl. 1745–49)

Trading at Russell Court, Westminster, 1749.

A bill for carving carried out for ‘the Honble. Mrs. Nugent’ of Gosfield Hall, Essex, at her house in Dover Street, London, dated 24 May 1745 refers to a chimney piece ‘to hold China with a Basket in ye Midle’, costing £12, ‘2 Glass frames Carvied for ye Dressing Room’, £5, ‘one Chimney Peices Card Round ye Marbel for ye Dresen Room’, £5, ‘2 Trusses Carvid for the Indea Cabbinets’, £2; and also ‘Cleaning ye Carving in the Liberarey’ and ‘Maken good the Glass frame for ye Chimney’ [Essex Record Office, D/DU 502/2; poll book].

Source: DEFM

The original entry from Dictionary of English Furniture Makers, 1660-1840 can be found at British History Online.