Baynes & Ireland (1820-1823)
Baynes & Ireland
19 Blackman Street, Southwark, London; looking-glass makers, carvers and gilders, carpenters, upholsterers and cabinet makers (fl. 1820–23)
Purchased a Sun Insurance policy on 26 February 1821 totalling £3,000 of which £800 accounted for warehouse, showroom and other buildings, £40 for household goods in dwelling house, warerooms, showrooms, gilding shop, glass room (no carpentry or cabinet work done therein) and three stores, £1,500 for stock, utensils and goods in trust, £150 for pictures and prints, £150 for stock, utensils and goods in trust in carpenters and cabinet manufactory in the yard next to Black Horse stables (a small stove therein), £160 for stock etc. in open shed and yard, and £200 for stable coach house and loft communicating with workshop above. Insured the same buildings, stock, utensils and goods on 12 February 1823 for a total of £2,100 [The London Archives (TLA), Sun MS vol. 486, ref. 978001; vol. 490, ref. 1001514].