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Bastendorff, Joseph & Co.; Bastendorff, Charles & Sevring (1891-1901)

Bastendorff, Joseph & Co.; Bastendorff, Charles & Sevring

London; bamboo furniture manufacturer, cabinet maker (fl.1891-1901)

Joseph Bastendorff was born in Luxembourg in 1841 and had arrived in London, via France, by 1877 when his second son, Sevring, was born. The 1891 census recorded Joseph and two of his sons, Charles (aged 19) and Sevring (aged 14) as bamboo furniture makers living in Grafton Place, St Pancras. At this date the firm was recorded as J. Bastendorff & Co., 9 & 11 Essex Road, 5 Charles Place, Euston & 77 Chenies Mews and in the London Street Directory 1895 at 77 Chenies Mews as bamboo furniture makers. 

The 1901 census listed Joseph and Charles as cabinet makers living at 41 St Paul’s Road, Islington.     

Joseph was possibly the elder brother of the cabinet maker and bamboo & cane manufacturer Severin Bastendorff (b.1847, Luxembourg) and Jean J. Bastendorff (b.1842, Luxembourg), recorded in the 1891 census as a fancy bamboo maker living at 26 Little Clarendon Street, St Pancras.   

Source: Walkling, Antique Bamboo Furniture (1979).